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San Diego Underage DUI Attorney

Consequences of Underage DUI in California

A DUI for a minor or person under 21 comes under the California “Zero-Tolerance” portion of the vehicle code. Any minor under 21 who is arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol of any concentration can be guilty of a DUI. An under-21 DUI can be charged separately from the typical CA VC 23152 for DUI. With the “zero tolerance” laws any minor found guilty of driving a car with a 0.01% BAC or higher will face an automatic license suspension, fines, and alcohol education classes. A BAC of 0.08% or higher for any person stopped while driving a can be charged with violating VC 23152 for misdemeanor DUI.

How Underage DUI Is Different

All San Diego DUI cases involve two separate portions; the criminal court and the DMV. If you are arrested for a DUI you must request a DMV APS hearing within 10 days of the arrest. Failing to request a hearing removes an effective way to gather crucial evidence before formal arraignment in court. The APS hearing is conducted by the DMV safety office and a hearing officer. The rules and procedures of the hearing are very different from the normal criminal court and require know-how and experience to get the best outcome.

Contact our San Diego underage DUI lawyer from The Law Office of George Gedulin at 858-943-6591 today!

California Implied Consent Laws

All drivers under 21 years of age are required to submit to a breath test or preliminary alcohol screening test if they are legally stopped by the police. This means that if you are stopped by law enforcement for any reason you must submit to the officer’s various tests to determine if you were drunk driving. A minor under 21 who refuses to submit to the tests will have their license automatically suspended for a year and faces harsher penalties in the criminal court if convicted of a DUI. An underage DUI can have consequences for your personal and professional life. A minor DUI conviction will delay the issuance of a driver’s license by a year or more. A second underage DUI will increase the license suspension for up to three years. George Gedulin is a DUI defense lawyer who understands the complex problems that come with DUI cases and works tirelessly to get his clients to get the outcome they deserve.

Underage DUI Penalties in California

California has a strict zero-tolerance policy for those under the age of 21 driving under the influence of alcohol. For those under 21, the very low BAC level of 0.01 percent is enough to result in a DUI conviction. For most, consuming a single alcoholic beverage will result in a BAC of more than .01 percent.

The Judge in an underage DUI case can also order that the person not consume any alcohol until the age of 21. If you are on probation to the court and are in violation of such an order, your probation could be revoked, and a significant jail sentence could be imposed. Any minor with a BAC over 0.08% could be charged with a straight DUI (CA VC 23152) which brings many significant penalties.

A DUI conviction for a person under 21 might lead to the loss of a driver’s license and a permanent mark on their driving record. Driving with a BAC of 0.08 percent may lead to the driver serving jail time in the same way drivers 21 or older may face. Thousands of dollars in fines, MADD, and alcohol education classes. Other requirements include work release and public work service through the Sheriff. Being treated like an adult in the court system can have severe consequences for the success of college and scholarship applications, which frequently ask applicants about criminal records such as DUI convictions. Having a skilled San Diego underage DUI lawyer on your case can make a big difference in your life for many years to come.

Long-Term Consequences of Under 21 DUI Conviction

The way that your underage DUI is handled can impact your future schooling and career. Any DUI conviction must be disclosed on school and work applications. A committed criminal lawyer can find the best defense strategy to fight a DUI case by gathering evidence early and obtaining independent reports from skilled investigators. A DUI for a minor should not mean an end to your future; these cases can always be defended with the intelligent defense strategies of a San Diego underage DUI lawyer.

Remember, the prosecution has the burden of proving their case and must present evidence which meets all legal standards. Every aspect of a DUI case must be scrutinized and questioned to ensure that the police and investigators acted properly and did not violate your constitutional rights. A police officer can only stop a vehicle if they have a specific reason, which includes violating a traffic law or suspecting the driver is drunk.

Contact our San Diego underage DUI attorneys at 858-943-6591 today!